Hi all (and welcome to those of you who just joined our email list):Councilman LaBonge, his deputy Carolyn Ramsay, Captain Wemmer, Sergeant Kirby and Senior Lead Officer Charles Thomas, as well as Street Lighting Senior Engineering Manager Stan Horwitz all met with us tonight on 4th and Detroit (with Channel 7 filming, at therequest of the Council office) and discussed crime and street lighting. Then we all walked to the fire station on Alta Vista and Third and had a meeting about parking.
It all seems to be very positive and productive. The Senior Engineering Manager said we would have better lighting in various areas within two weeks.
The LAPD urged us to report every single crime, even if you think the person
won't be caught. The more crime that is reported, the more they will take our neighborhood seriously. They repeated that our neighborhood is much safer than many other neighborhoods in LA. Car crime is still high and from what I hear from all of you, muggings and robberies are not uncommon. However, they promised more presence in our neighborhood. Some cops on bikes came by for a while and they will also have two patrol cars in our neighborhood more frequently.
Remember: 911 when you hear or see anything unusual or dangerous. And 311when you want to reach the city for street lighting, recycling, calling the city council, mayor, anything city related - dial 311.
PARKING: They are beginning the process of making 6th and Cloverdale one way (except for a few spots for businesses). This is thanks to the heroic work of Babette and Jon who live over there.
We will be having a meeting with the homeowners north of Third to discuss working out something mutually acceptable to allow some more parking for us.
LaBonge's office will look into commercial parking. If any of you know of any people who are willing to rent spaces, please let us know asap. It looks like our neighborhood is finally getting the attention it deserves. Shannon attended the meeting yesterday of the neighborhood council (Mid City West's) parking committee. Tonight Dan and Dave (the head of our soon to be formed security patrol) are attending the Mid City West's public safety committee. They are offering us walkie-talkies and other equipment to help us get our patrol started. 23 of you have signed up. If more of you want to be involved please let me know!
Also, don't forget, the third Thursday of every mos. is the community police advisory board. Please attend at 7pm every third Thursday at Wilshire Division police dept. (La Brea and Venice) in the Roll Call room.
I'm not sure what the coverage will be, but it's likely we'll be on ABC tonight. Thank you all for your involvement. It's starting to feel like a community
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