Thursday, March 29, 2007

Traffic Commission Report and How to Find Out if Building is Being Demolished

Hi all.

Carolyn Ramsay and Councilman LaBonge donated $500 toward our Safety Patrol this morning. I spoke to Carolyn about the serious parking issues on Ridgeley as well as the fence around parking at 314 Cloverdale. She said it was possible that 314 Cloverdale was being demolished - she said if you want to see if your building (or any other building) is being torn down or renovated etc. do this:

go to (that's building and safety)
halfway down page on left click on
Property activity report and put in the address of your building or any other building you're interested in.

If you didn't yet tell me the jacket size, please let me know this morning as the order is going in today.

Also, thanks to Bob and Babette for attending the Traffic Commission
Meeting - attached in WORD is a report on that meeting.

No movement on sharing Parking District 41 or 36 - both groups of homeowners are adamant against sharing parking with us (Carolyn told me that this morning!) I'd like to ask some of you who have been victims of crime to walk door-to-door with me in the near future and just talk to them directly. Let me know if you can do that.

See you Saturday at 9pm.

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